Brownfields / Lot 14 Site Investigation

Geo-Probe, Site Trenching, Soil Sampling & Investigation of Garbage & Debris
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The subject property had been significantly altered due to previous mining activity and subsequent filling operations. During the Agnes Flood in 1972, large amounts of demolition debris and residential refuse were generated and the site was designated as an area to receive this waste.
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Brownfields / Lot 14 Site Investigation

The Phase II and Phase III Environmental Site Assessment addressed the following:

-design site prep for assessment and segregation of wastes
-design and install the necessary Sediment and Erosion Control prior to excavation of soil and debris
-design and install road, pad and work areas
-mobilization of necessary equipment
-segregation process – excavation of 16,000± cubic yards
-screening process of 4,000± cubic yards of anticipated debris
-testing and evaluation of waste
-fill placement and grading
-seeding, mulching and control blankets
-load, transport and dispose of debris off site at a licensed facility

The area was excavated to remove debris and refuse in the soil. The excavated soil was put through a power screen to separate the debris and waste from the soil. The soil and debris/waste was separately stockpiled. The debris/waste was hauled off site and sent to a licensed facility. The stockpiled soil was evaluated and sampled. Also, the soil at the base of the excavation was sampled to be sure no further contamination is present. The soil samples were sent to a certified laboratory and tested according to PA DEP’s Clean Fill guidelines. Site engineering involves surveying, erosion and sedimentation control design, stormwater management design, erosion and sedimentation (E&S) control design, construction costs, permitting, administration and meetings. The E&S includes installing a super silt fence, a rock construction entrance, building of channels and berms, also providing dewatering facilities, adding erosion control blankets and seeding/mulching.