
Quad3’s philosophy of architecture stems from a belief that the built environment is capable of generating actions and reactions by its occupants.  Architecture and space design can stimulate learning, foster creativity, create a sense of warmth, bridge a link to the natural environment and put the mind at ease.  Subtle but powerful messages can be sent through architecture to create the intended “vibe” of a school, business or residence.

Today, the world of architecture is focused on sustainability.  Our professionals are designing features that reduce operational and maintenance costs in this ever competitive business climate.  While some projects seek the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification standards, every project strives for high levels of efficiency and sustainability.

The competitive advantage of Quad3 architecture is that we have proven expertise, complete in-house services (including all engineering disciplines, etc.), the project team approach and a track record of completing projects on time and on budget.  Whether the project is new construction or renovation, multi-million dollar or on a thrifty budget, Quad3 architects have provided innovative solutions to satisfied customers time and time again.

Architecture, Engineering & Building Systems