The Maintenance Garage serves as an inventory storage and seven-bay maintenance garage for PennDOT vehicle repair and servicing. The pre-engineered single-slope building includes four standard work bays with access on either side of the building, a welding shop, bridge and signage crew work areas and a wash bay. The conventional steel-framed connecting building houses office and conference spaces complete with a 100-person divisible training room, showers and lockers and an open-plan work area for the office staff.
The site includes paved parking for maintenance vehicles, staff and visitors along with a 3,500-ton capacity high-arch gambrel salt storage building. The buildings are set back into the site to provide space for proper storm water runoff and natural screening from the highway.
An innovative stormwater capture and reuse via spray irrigation was provided on this project. The spray irrigation system divertes the excess rainfall volume from the conveyance piping into volume control ponds. The ponds are then emptied by pumping to a central point for distribution to the spray irrigation piping network. The network branch PVC pipe laterals run into the wooded areas and terminate at exposed spray heads with numerous intermediate spray heads located along the laterals. Each lateral is independently controlled by a motor operated valve in order to provide a pattern of spraying. The spray irrigation operation will cease once the water levels in the control ponds have dropped to a minimum water level.